Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The whole Milo thing...

Ok.  So the fucking Internet is losing its collective shit over the Milo 'pedo' "scandal"...

This whole thing is horse shit.  It is so obvious that this is an organized political hit job.

There's a special place in hell for people who genuinely delight in the suffering of others.  And, make no mistake, a huge number of the people piling on Milo at the moment are exactly that type of person.

It's very sad.  Milo was abused as a child.  It is obvious to me, despite having no training in psychology, that the humorous way he chooses to deal with the topic of his molestation is a coping mechanism.  And now, it is through that very coping mechanism that he is being victimized yet again.  Do none of you fuckers have any compassion?!

To those cold hearted bastards that truly don't feel for this damaged man...God damn you all.

It is worth pointing out, however, that this is but one battle in a much larger war.  For lack of a better term, there are forces of Evil at work here.  A horrid amalgamation of democrats, their mentally challenged SJW voters, establishment GOP members like John McCain, spooks like McMuffin and other CIA shit birds, Mossad, the Saudis...  The list goes on and on.  Basically all the corrupt rat bastards all over the globe that profit off the status quo.

Milo and other new media figures on the Right are a critical element in routing the old order.  To all those, like myself, who voted for Trump in hopes of real change & a better tomorrow, people such as Milo are vital allies for defeating those forces of Evil.  Any Trump supporters who choose to attack Milo rather than defend him, are idiots who are shooting themselves in the foot.

This is a dividing line.  Those who support Milo now are the people who can be trusted.  Those who turn on him, and thus work against their own best interests, can only be seen as traitors.  Untrustworthy pieces of shit, that cannot be trusted in the future...

The list of those who turn on him will be long indeed...  But I'm keeping track of the YouTube personalities I (was) a fan of, who turn on him.

Styxhexenhammer666 - I started watching this guy for his interesting geo-political analysis...  And his was the first video I saw about Milo's "scandal".  Styx went on a really fucked off rant about how he hated Milo and found him creepy and how Milo was a "freak show".  Quite a statement coming from a Christian, turned Atheist, turned Satanist, turned Occultist...who apparently believes that the "occult" is a real thing and believes in magic and shit.  Guess it's true that people who believe in nothing will believe in anything.

Mark Dice - an InfoWars contributor, he's got lots of subscribers and I thought he was a decent sort of guy...but it seems he's too much of a hold over of the much despised, old guard, religious right.  Mark Dickless apparently took to Twitter and started posting shit about how we should have known Milo was a pedo, since he was a fag...  So, Mark is clearly a homophobic twat.  Guess he missed the part where Trump and the new right rejected that anti-gay bullshit.

As I come across them, I'll post more names of traitors.

Who can still be trusted...?

Alex Jones - the InfoWars head honcho posted a special report to YouTube...in which he more or less correctly outlined the issue with Milo's childhood abuse, and put forward his theory that Milo has a sort of Stockholm syndrome.  Which is certainly possible.

Mike Cernovich - he posted a video and pointed out that this is a hit job, and gave Milo advice on how to handle the situation.

Vox Day - the Supreme Dark Lord spoke of the situation on Darkstream, and to his great credit pointed out that it never even occurred to him to do anything other than offer Milo his full, unwavering support.

Unless I've severely misread the man, I expect Stefan Molyneux to be supportive of Milo.

The big question is whether or not Breitbart will fire Milo.  Hopefully, they will see the truth of what's going on.  If not, I for one will never offer them my support again.

The way Milo is being thrown under the bus by so many on the Right, is why I find myself drawing ever closer to the Alt-Right.  Vox makes a very good point; we need to have each other's backs.  If we don't, the Left & the other forces of Darkness will pick us off one by one.

If you're a believer, pray for Milo.  If you're not, then say "this is for Milo" the next time you punch a commie!

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